Black Ops 2 Buried Easter Egg Richtofen Switches
The Green Run Group (Abigail "Misty" Briarton, Marlton Johnson, Russman and Samuel J. Stuhlinger) returns as the four playable characters. The featured zombies have blue eyes, meaning that Richtofen is still the Demonic Announcer.
Buried features the Bank and Weapon Locker from Die Rise and TranZit. The map takes place in an underground western town, and introduces an "evolution" of the Ray Gun, the Ray Gun Mark II, that is also available on all other maps. The map also features a friendly non-playable character, The Giant. He will help the player(s) kill zombies, upon feeding him Candy, or destroy certain barricades, upon giving him Booze. The Giant can also help players construct the buildables if fed candy next to a buildable bench, bring players a new buildable, lock a box in place when the box has not been used and candy has been fed, re-spin the box when it has been used, and reset a drop. A ghostly woman haunts the mansion found on the map; once inside the mansion, she spawns frenetically and relentlessly rushes to the player(s), stealing 2000 points with each hit dealt, though she is relatively easy to kill despite her speed.
Buildables also make a return, including the Trample Steam and Turbine, as well as new additions such as the Head Chopper and the Subsurface Resonator. The map features a new revolver, the Remington New Model Army, a new wonder weapon called the Paralyzer, and the Time Bomb, which sends the player back in time. The map also features a new Perk-a-Cola, known as Vulture Aid, which allows the player to see the locations of wall guns, Perk-a-Cola machines, and other features of interest around the map. In addition to this, zombies have a chance to drop small bags of points and ammo that can be picked up by the player, and certain zombies will emit a noxious cloud upon being killed that wards off zombies when players stand in it.
The Giant, The Key, Booze and Candy
The Giant is found in a jail cell near the initial Mystery Box spawn. He can only be accessed from the stairs by the box and through the roof. The key to free him is found on the wall by the cell. After freeing him he will turn away, until he is given Booze, where he will then destroy the debris blocking his cell and start to pace between where he was found and the Saloon, ignoring players and Zombies until he is prompted with items.
Hitting The Giant with melee weapons will cause him to sprint for a short period of time. This can be used to make him follow a player with either of his items more closely. Shooting at him however, can wound him, which causes him to retreat to his cell and lock himself in, and must be freed with the key (can be avoided by giving him Booze or Candy).
Items Associated with The Giant
There are a number of items that relate to The Giant and how he reacts to players. These items occupy the same slot as the chalk outlines for wall weapons, so the player cannot hold both at one time.
The Key - The Key to his cell will open it to initially free him, and any subsequent times he locks himself back in when he is wounded. Whenever this happens, the key can be found on a hanger in the following areas:
* To the left of his cell. It will always be here when first releasing him.
* Hanging off the judge's bench in the Courthouse.
* In the middle room on the second level of the Saloon.
* In the Bank, behind the Deposit Box.
Booze - Booze can be given to The Giant, which causes him to drink it and run off in the opposite direction of where he was given it. This can be used to clear the various debris blocking certain passageways around the map. The player that gave The Giant the booze will receive a bonus of points depending on the distance he traveled to the debris, ranging from a fairly small sum if he ran a short distance, or a much higher one if he ran a longer distance. The Giant is capable of downing both zombies and players in this state. He is also capable of obtaining Power-Ups for the player whilst he is charging.
Booze can be found in both The Giant cell and the Saloon, and will spawn there once every round. If a player has already used Booze for one round, another can be bought for 1000 points at the counter in the Saloon.
Candy - Candy can be found in the Candy Store, and can also be bought from the counter for 1000 points if one has already been used for the round. Candy has a number of uses when given to The Giant, depending on where he is when it is given:
* If given on its own, The Giant will aggressively follow the player who gave it to him around, attacking any zombies and will be unresponsive to any other items until it wears off.
* If given next to a crawler, The Giant will pick it up in his hands and follow the player around with it.
* Shooting him or knifing him will cause him to kill the crawler by throwing it on the ground and stomping on its head..
* If given near a workbench, The Giant will examine the bench and go off to gather parts and construct a buildable on it, provided he is not shot at whilst gathering the parts. If a buildable is already in construction, he will simply fetch the remaining parts; otherwise he will collect all the parts for a random one. The Giant is able to construct a buildable in one go, but if a player is already in possession of a part, they must manually place it on the buildable.
* If given near the current spawn of the Mystery Box, The Giant will punch the box, preventing it from rolling a Teddy Bear, this will prevent the Fire Sale Power-Up from being dropped by zombies unless the Mystery Box moved before it was punched by The Giant. It will also prevent it from being moved by the Giant again using candy by an empty box spawn.
* If given near the Mystery Box that has just been rolled but the player has not accepted the weapon offered, The Giant will force the box to roll again.
* If given near an empty box spawn, The Giant will go and fetch the Mystery Box from its current spawn, and place it on the requested one, unless the Mystery Box has previously been locked in one spot.
* If given near a Subsurface Resonator without a Turbine, The Giant will find the workbench where the Turbine is built and carry it to the Resonator.
* If given near a Power-Up, The Giant will change it into a different one.
* If given near the chalk in the gunsmith shop, The Giant will take three of them and draw them at random locations.
* If given near the Deposit Box he can obtain the player a power-up for 2000 points.
LSAT, Paralyzer, Ray Gun Mark II and Time Bomb-(not in Borough)
The LSAT is located on a catwalk above the initial starting area. A precisely timed jump is required to climb up onto the catwalk. The LSAT costs a hefty 2000 points, and can only be purchased by a player precisely once as the catwalk will collapse soon after climbing it. The player must rely on Max Ammo power-ups and the effects of Vulture Aid to manage the high ammo capacity of the LSAT. If the player manages to hold on to the LSAT long enough to Pack-a-Punch it into the FSIRT, they will unlock the FSIRT Against the Wall achievement/trophy.
The Paralyzer is a Wonder Weapon featured in the Zombies map Buried available from the Mystery Box. Upon firing, it slows and incapacitates zombies in a conical radius before killing them. It has unlimited ammunition, but will overheat with constant use. The overheat meter is located on the gun, replacing the traditional ammo counter located on the bottom-right of the HUD. Once the meter reaches 115, the Paralyzer must be given time to cool down to 100 on the meter before resuming use, much like the M2 Flamethrower and the Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23.
If the Paralyzer is pointed downwards and fired, and the player presses the jump button, the player will be propelled into the air for as long as they hold down the trigger. This allows them to reach various rooftops and bypass pathways blocked by wreckage. The player should be cautious when utilizing this technique, as they can still suffer fall damage upon landing. Fall damage can be averted, however, by firing the Paralyzer just before landing. The Paralyzer can also be used to lift other players into the air if the other player jumps whilst in the beam of the paralyzer, however, the weapon will stop firing if the player enters its crosshairs due to friendly fire restrictions.
The Paralyzer plays a part on Richtofen's side of the Mined Games Easter Egg.
When Pack-a-Punched, the Paraylzer becomes the Petrifier. The Petrifier features a slower overheat, allowing the weapon to be fired for roughly ten seconds straight instead of six. Both versions can be cooled down (dropping the number displayed on the overheat meter) when the player collects ammo drops that are available through Vulture Aid. It is also highly beneficial should the player become cornered as it will slow down and potentially kill a horde of zombies, allowing the player to make a quick escape.
The Ray Gun Mark II is a wonder weapon that was released alongside the Zombies map, Buried, and is featured in all Zombies maps in Call of Duty: Black Ops II. It is the successor and the evolution of the Ray Gun, although, unlike its predecessor, the Ray Gun Mark II fires in three-round bursts with no splash damage. It also has a very high penetration ability, capable of killing many zombies with one burst.
When Pack-a-Punched via the Pack-a-Punch Machine, it becomes the Porter's Mark II Ray Gun. When Pack-a-Punched, the magazine size doubles, the ammunition total increases and it fires red rays instead of green. A player cannot carry the Ray Gun Mark II and the original Ray Gun at the same time; if the player has the original Ray Gun, it is impossible for them to receive the Ray Gun Mark II from the box, and vice versa.
In Patch 1.12, the Ray Gun Mark II was unintentionally added to all maps (several days prior to Vengeance's release for Xbox 360), but was later removed swiftly via a hotfix.
The Time Bomb is a Wonder Weapon that is featured in the Zombies map Buried. The bomb itself resembles a golden block of C4 with a clock on it, while the detonator resembles a golden pocketwatch. The player throws the bomb similarly to a C4, and when detonated, it will slowly distort time and eventually it will send all players back in time to when they first threw it. An icon will appear above the current round the player is on, indicating what round it was placed. Detonating it will send all players back to that round with all weapons, perks and points they had during that round, at the locations they were at when the bomb was placed. This can be used as a very effective strategy if the player is killed or has made some mistake they wish to correct.
Each Time Bomb placed can only be activated once. Activating the pocket watch detonator will produce no effect if the Time Bomb has already been used. If a player gets a Max Ammo, they will be able to place another Time Bomb, replacing the previously placed Time Bomb.
Use of the Time Bomb will also reverse deposits and withdrawals from both the Bank and Weapon Locker, however it does not rewind doors opened or things broken by The Giant, buildables created and placed, power ups, the Mystery Box or Easter Egg progress. This means a player can drop a Time Bomb, withdraw their savings and use it to open/destroy everything on the map, and detonate the bomb to ensure the money is back in the bank.
Vulture Aid and Persistent Upgrades (part 1)
Vulture Aid is a Perk-a-Cola machine introduced in the Zombies map Buried in Call of Duty: Black Ops II. It costs 3000 points and is located in the church to the left of the altar. To open the church and gain access to the perk, a player must either have The Giant destroy the debris blocking the entrance, or fly over it using the Paralyzer. The color for this perk is red (although the color of the drink is orange) and the icon is a skeletal vulture.
When a player has Vulture Aid:
They will be able to see perks, wall weapons, places to draw chalk wallbuys, the Pack-a-Punch machine, and the Mystery Box through walls over a short distance.
Zombies will ocasionally drop small packets of ammo (approximately 10% of a weapon's magazine size) or points (between 5 to 20 points). These only affect the player's currently equipped weapon. (Using the paralyzer makes it cool down faster.)
Certain zombies will release a cloud of green gas upon death, which will cause players standing inside it to be ignored by other zombies. Such zombies can be noted by the green cloud emanating from them.
Zombie's eyes, Perk machines, the Mystery Box and the Pack-a-Punch machine all have a brighter glow to them that makes them more easily visible.
While standing inside a gas cloud, the player's vision and hearing will be distorted and muffled. As the effect of the cloud begins to take place, the perk icon in the lower-left portion of the screen will begin to glow and emit a green smoke cloud. Even after the player has left the gas cloud, zombies will ignore him or her for as long as the perk icon is glowing.
Persistent Upgrades, also known as "Perma-Perks", are unlockable upgrades that the player(s) can gain through unique methods. These upgrades only take effect and can be acquired on Green Run, Die Rise, and Buried (although only in their main modes; upgrades are absent from submaps such as Grief in Borough). The player can have multiple upgrades at once, and they carry over to different game sessions and maps. They can also easily be lost, usually if the player does not make use of the upgrade.
When an upgrade is obtained, a green haze (similar to picking up a Power-Up) appears near the player, and the player's character will say a line about it. Losing one will result in a faint eerie sound.
Persistent Upgrades can't be obtained nor will they be affected when playing in Local or LAN Party.
List of Upgrades:Faster Revive
The player can earn revive twice as fast by reviving downed allies seventeen times in one game. This effect can be stacked with Quick Revive.
To lose it, the player must try and fail to revive a downed person, even if said person is later revived. Even an accidental fail (such as being knocked out of the way) will cause the upgrade to be lost.
More Headshot DamageThe player can earn increased headshot damage by getting an arbitrary amount of collateral headshots (multiple headshot kills with one bullet). In addition to increased headshot damage, shooting a zombie anywhere will make its head pop, although this effect is aesthetic. Sometimes the green flash will show in Survival on any of the survival maps, though the persistent upgrade will not be applied.
To lose it, the player must kill twenty five to seventy five zombies in a row without a headshot.
Stronger BarriersThe player can earn stronger barriers to be built on windows by repairing seventy five barriers in one game. The barriers are partially made of steel and screwed in, so it will take more time for them to be taken down.
This upgrade will not take effect and cannot be earned before round ten.
To lose it, the player must fail to build a single barrier in a round.
Stronger Carpenter BarriersThe player can earn reinforced barriers for Carpenter to build by killing a zombie trying to come out of a barricade meanwhile the Carpenter is boarding the windows. The effect is separate from the stronger barricades above, and can be earned and lost without either affecting another.
To lose it, the player must fail to kill a zombie trying come out of a barricade during a Carpenter, regardless of if there are any.
200% HealthThe player can earn 200% Health, with a down resulting after four hits instead of two. The effect stacks with Juggernog, allowing the player to have a maximum of 300% health. This upgrade is obtained when the player is downed without Quick Revive (thereby ending the game) three times.
On Buried, the upgrade is obtained by completing Round 1 in processing, then getting downed by zombies (still in processing).
This upgrade is automatically lost at the start of round fifteen.
Red Insta-KillThe player can earn a subversion of Insta-Kill by not killing a single zombie during an Insta-Kill, twice in a row (though it will rarely be obtained from just one). The effect lasts fifteen seconds, is activated when an Insta-Kill is obtained and allows the player to simply walk into a zombie to kill it. Killing a zombie using it will only give fifty points.
To lose it, the player must be damaged by a zombie during the Insta-Kill (with the exception of a flaming zombie exploding)
Refund on PerksThe player can earn an upgrade to give one thousand points when going prone in front of a Perk-a-Cola machine after buying said perk. This upgrade is obtained by going prone each time you buy the perk approximately sixty five times.
The player must go prone after the perk appears on the screen and then has five seconds to go prone.
To lose it, the player must not go prone in front of a Perk-a-Cola machine after buying it.
Mystery Box UpgradeThe player can earn an upgrade to decrease the chances of getting "bad" weapons from the Mystery Box. This upgrade is obtained when the player takes a random amount of weapons from the Mystery Box. They must keep taking whatever gun they earn. The player will see a glow and a teddy bear will appear on the box.
This upgrade cannot be earned after round ten.
This upgrade is automatically lost at the start of round ten.
PhD Flopper (This upgrade is only available on Buried)The player can earn an upgrade to gain the effect of PhD Flopper. This upgrade is obtained when the player takes a certain amount of fall damage (enough to turn the screen red briefly) five to ten times. Unlike PhD Flopper, this upgrade does not protect against overcooked frag grenades.
To lose it, the player must take significant fall damage (around 80-90) by falling without dolphin diving.
Half-offThe player can earn an upgrade to reduce all purchase costs by half during a Double Points Power-Up. If the player does not have enough money to purchase the item even with Half-off, it may take an even smaller amount. This upgrade is obtained when the player accumulates three thousand or more points during a Double Points Power-Up.
To lose it, the player must fail to spend at least one thousand points during the next Double Points.
Double PointsThe player can earn an upgrade to give twice the points you would normally earn. This upgrade is obtained by only getting a random amount of headshots or melee kills only during a Double Points Power-Up.
To lose it, the player must kill a zombie with melee or a headshot at any time.
The rest at down below:
Persistent Upgrades (part 2)
The player can earn an upgrade to retain all of their perks except Quick Revive after being downed and revived by Quick Revive or another teammate, being revived by the Pack-a-Punched Ballistic Knife will cause all perks to be lost but not the upgrade. This upgrade is obtained when the player buys four perks before round four.
In a game with two or more players, the player will retain all of their perks except for their last obtained perk. Quick Revive will always be lost first, however.
To lose it, the player must go down three times in a row without any perks.
Extra Sniping PointsThe player can earn an upgrade to give an extra three hundred points with each kill made using a sniper rifle. This upgrade is obtained when the player gets five to fifteen long range kills using any sniper rifle.
To lose it, the player must miss three shots in a row with a sniper rifle.
Double Pistol PointsThe player can earn an upgrade to give double points from shots fired from a pistol. This upgrade is obtained when the player fires all rounds from a pistol without hitting a single zombie, then kills one to three zombies with melee.
To lose it, the player must kill one to ten zombies with melee or a pistol.
Ray Gun Off The WallThe player can earn an upgrade to buy the Ray Gun off the wall for five hundred points (in place of the Olympia). This upgrade is obtained when the player buys the Olympia or ammo for it a few times.
The player can only obtain this upgrade if they are rank three or lower and they have two or less tally marks.
This upgrade is automatically lost between round twelve and fourteen.
Mined Games (Richtofen`s path) part 1
You must build the guillotine that is parallel from the side of the saloon. Be careful because some parts can be used for both the gallows and the guillotine.
* Satellite Dish (Upstairs of Saloon, nearest side by the Guillotine buildable. Should be near the fence.)
* Spool of Wire (Gunsmith room downstairs near the catacombs entrance in the corner.)
* Crystal (Go up the railing from the Saloon into the catacombs, turn left, take the next left, jump over the hole and it will be in the debris directly ahead.)
* Antennae (The barn downstairs, head towards the catacombs should be in one of the stables on the right.)
Step 2: Powering the Red OrbsYou now need to power up four red orbs using the Paralyzer. They are located as follows:
* In the alleyway between the saloon and the candy shop.
* To the left side of the entrance to the church, behind a rock.
* In the tunnel system above the town.
* To the right side in the foliage before the entrance to the mansion from the maze.
Step 3: The LanternUsing a grenade, you need to time it so that it knocks a purple lantern out of the air, which will float from the courtroom to the church, or from the courtroom to the jail cell. After this, you must pick it up.
To power up the lantern, you must "kill" at least 10 mistresses in the haunted mansion. After you have powered the lantern with enough "souls", you have to place the lantern on a symbol on the roof of the gunsmith shop.
Note: Before the completion of this step, the lantern symbol cannot be seen, though there is an occasional glitch that enables you to see it if you stand in the right spot of the balcony of the saloon.
Step 4: Deciphering the codeDeciphering the code that appears above the symbol on the wall using the "tic-tac-toe" cipher will reveal the name of three signs, which the players need to hit in order with the Galvaknuckles or the Bowie Knife to make the "wisp" appear. These signs are randomly selected out of the five signs available.
The Five Tunnel SignsYou will find the following signs in the tunnels. Each is 17 characters long if you count the spaces as a character.
The rest of ze Doctor`z path iz down below:
Mined Games (Richtofen`s path) part 2
Note: You must have Vulture Aid in order to see the wisp.
To move the wisp, a player has to walk into them, or else they will fade away and you will need to hit the signs again. Only players with the Vulture Aid Perk can see it. Once you walk into them, they will disappear and reappear somewhere else, with you able to see it through the wall via Vulture Aid. It appears in front of the final sign, then on the second level of the barn, then to the second floor of the jail cell building, just past the wall weapon location, then to the second floor of the general store, then to the candy store and then it goes to the guillotine, where it will stay in front of the guillotine. You must lure zombies nearby the guillotine, which doing so will cause the orb to flow into the zombie, which you must kill for its energy. After killing each zombie, an orb will revolve around the crystal component of the guillotine. After powering up the guillotine, Richtofen tells you that you need a time bomb.
Step 6: The Switch in the FutureOnce you have placed a Time Bomb ON the guillotine bench, have all four players surrounding the guillotine. You now have to activate the time bomb. Doing so will send you into the future to Round ∞, where the game is now in black and white and the zombies are near-invulnerable. During the 90 seconds that you spend in "Infinity Mode" before it sends you back, you have to find the switch. Search the four (sometimes only two or three spawn) dead bodies of Misty, Marlton, Samuel, and Russman. The switch will be randomly placed on one of the bodies, with bodies being spawned randomly at these places:
* Directly in front of the guillotine.
* In front of the saloon entrance stairs.
* To the left of the gunsmith entrance.
* In the crevice behind the barn and the gunsmith house, where the Navcard Table parts are located.
* In front of the jail house entrance.
* In between the general store and the box location.
* To the right of the candy store entrance coming from the courthouse, near when you drop down from the general store balcony.
* In between the giant rock near the gallows and the awning of the candy store, near the arrow sign.
* Behind the rock to the left of the church, where the red orb is.
* Just past the entrance to the church, nearby the workbench.
* The alleyway between the bank and barn walls, the body will be laying on the wall of the bank.
After gaining the switch you must now place it on the guillotine.
NOTE: Ensure that you do not have any parts in your inventory when retrieving the switch, as sometimes, it will glitch the switch and make you unable to place it on the guillotine.
Step 7: Switches in the MazeYou now need to enter the maze, where there will be switches with four different colors (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow) on four different gates. You have to activate these switches in the correct order, via trial and error. If a switch has been activated in the correct order, it will spark after all four have been pulled.
Note that no switches will spark until all of the switches have been activated. They will only spark if they were activated in the correct position. If the switches are activated in the incorrect order (if they aren't all sparking) they can be reset by activating all of them and then having all four players return to the main area before having all players run through the Mistress's house together.
Note: Sometimes a gate switch will not spawn (Yellow, is the most reported switch to not spawn). Currently the only way to fix this is to reset the switches in the method detailed above.The yellow switch can actually sometimes be found on a hedge in the center of the maze.
Another note: In occasion yellow is not spawning on the gates, it can be found somewhere hidden in the bushes in the area where the fountain/teleport is.
Yet another note: If you go into the candy shop, behind the counter, there will be 4 jars. They each have a color in them which represents the color of the switches. Reading them from left to right, while a good starting point, may or may not give you the correct color order. Trial and error will be your best bet. Remember to mark which possibilities you have tried already!
Step 8: Make a WishYou need to have The Giant break the fountain in front of the church/mansion, which will cause water to start spewing out. Next you need to interact with the fountain in order to "make a wish". After doing so, metal targets will spawn via lightning in several locations with each player needing to shoot them ALL before they disappear. These locations where the targets spawn are:
* Beside the candy store and in front of the court room. (20 targets)
* The left side of the mansion, in the windows. (23 targets)
* Inside the saloon. (19 targets)
* By the jail cell. (22 targets)
Richtofen's side of Mined Games is complete and you will receive all perks for the remaining of the game, but there is one more step to fully complete the story [See Endgame]Mined Games (Maxis` path)
The players must build the gallows that is next to the entrance of the courthouse.
Be careful because some parts can be used for both the gallows and the guillotine.* Battery (Behind the altar in the church.)
* Spool of Wire (Mule Kick room downstairs near the catacombs entrance in the corner.)
* Antennae (Barn downstairs towards the catacombs in one of the stables on the right.)
* Bulbs (In the room above The Giant's cell on boxes near where the box can spawn.)
Step 2: Orb BreakerThe players now need to destroy the four red orbs using the Subsurface Resonator (which requires the Turbine) . They are located as follows:
* In the alleyway between the saloon and the candy shop
* To the left side of the entrance to the church, behind a rock
* In the tunnel system above the town building
* To the left side in the foliage before the entrance to the mansion from the maze.
Step 3: The LanternUsing a grenade, the players need to time it so that it knocks a purple lantern out of the air, which will float from the courtroom to the church, or from the courtroom to the jail cell. It will disappear ocassionally if the players fail to hit it, and it will also disappear if the players leave the lantern on the ground too long. After this, a player must pick it up.
Step 4: Sugar RushTo power up the lantern, the players must kill zombies using The Giant (after he has been given candy), the Trample Steam, Subsurface Resonator, Head Chopper, or Nuke Power-Up. The player with the lantern must stand close to the zombies being killed. After the players have powered the lantern with enough "souls", the players have to place the lantern on a symbol on the roof of the gunsmith shop.
Step 5: DecryptionDeciphering the code that appears above the symbol on the wall using the "tic-tac-toe" cipher will reveal the name of three signs, which the players need to hit in order with the Galvaknuckles or the Bowie Knife to make the "wisp" appear. These signs are randomly selected out of the five signs available.
The Five Tunnel SignsYou will find the following signs in the tunnels. Each is 17 characters long if you count the spaces as a character.
Note: The players will have to place a Time Bomb before you activate the wisp. The step requires the players to open the 1250 points couch separating the tunnels and the upper level of the gunsmith building, and you need to have The Giant destroy the barrier between the General Store and the candy Shop. The player that hit the signs will need to follow the wisp while there are zombies near it throughout its path, thereby sustaining the wisp, otherwise the wisp will fade out.
After doing so, the player must follow the wisp on its path to the gallows. It will travel through the tunnels into the courtroom. It then goes past the Speed Cola Perk-a-Cola machine towards the jail cell. Going on the porch, it will make a loop and go to the upper level of the jail cell, towards the barn. Upon entering the barn, it will drop down the ledge and float through the tunnels. It then will exit through the gunsmith building's upper level, then will float towards the Saloon and take a left towards the candy shop. Passing through where the barrier was, it will continue towards the courthouse until it reaches the gallows, in which it will power up one container. While the player is following the wisp, the player must have zombies near the wisp throughout its path, thereby sustaining the wisp, otherwise the wisp will fade out. It is easier to do this step by having zombie "checkpoints", recommended spots are in front of the jail cell, in front of the gunsmith building, and in front of the saloon. You can also start a round as the wisp is going towards the gallows, as the zombies will constantly spawn in front of the player and sustain the wisp. If doing this, it is recommended to either have a Pack-a Punched weapon or be done on a lower round for easier control of the zombies.
At this point, you have to use the Time Bomb to travel back in time, and repeat the above process.
Step 7: For Whom the Bells TollThe players are now able to ring the bells placed around the map by using the action button. There are three locations where the bells are, with each location having three bells each. These places are:
* The bottom floor of the courtroom.
* Left side of the judge's podium.
* Table on the right side of the courthouse closest to the podium.
* Corner of the courthouse, take a left as soon as you enter.
* The second floor of the candy shop, not the room with the Power Switch.
* On the corner of the square table along the wall.
* On the table with two pots, near the couch blockade.
* On the chair to the right side of the door to the stairway.
* The top level of the barn.
* On the bale of hay just before you drop down to the jail cell.
* To the right of the hole in the wall near the gunsmith building, on a bale of hay.
* On a bale of hay to the right of the gap in the railing.
In the room just past the secret bookcase in the haunted mansion, there is a switchboard on a sofa with a lever. The switchboard has a 3x3 pattern of lights, which when activated, will light up yellow or green. The columns from left to right correspond to the bells in the candy store, the barn, and the courtroom bells respectively. After figuring out which bell corresponds with which light, you have to activate the switchboard, and the first light will appear. One player has to callout which light has lit up, while the other three players must be in each location ready to ring the bell that is called out. If the player successfully rings a bell, the light will turn green and another light will turn yellow, signifying which location/bell to ring.
Note: For the person in the mansion, it is recommended to have the Galvaknuckles so the witch will die in one hit, as the player will most likely be in there awhile. The players also have to ring the bell within a certain timeframe, or else the switchboard will reset.
Step 8: Make-A-WishThe players need to have The Giant break the fountain in front of the church/mansion, which will cause water to start spewing out. Next, the players need to interact with the fountain in order to "make a wish". After doing so, metal targets will spawn via lightning in several locations with each player needing to shoot them all before it disappears. These locations where the targets spawn are:
* Beside the candy store and in front of the court room.
* The left side of the ghost mansion, in the windows.
* On the railing inside the saloon.
* By the jail cell.
Maxis's side of Mined Games is complete and you will receive all Perks for the rest of the game, but there is one more step to complete the story. [See Endgame]Mined Games video tut. + endgame and other easter eggs
Richtofen`s side (video by MrDalekJD):
Maxis`s side (video by MrDalekJD):
Mined Games endgame: *Spoiler*
Requirements to end the game:
- All four players must have done each Easter Egg in every map and all must be on the same side
- All NAV Tables must be built with the correct NAV Cards inserted
- Pop Goes The Weasel nor Little Lost Girl does not count against the Endgame.
- All Easter egg progress will be erased
- This can be done anytime
At the back of the courthouse on the first floor is a box showing a 3x4 light grid. This box is 'The Easter egg Tracker'. This shows the Easter eggs that each player has completed as well as the side that they completed it for. The far left light represents the Tower of Babble Easter egg. The middle light represents the High Maintenance Easter egg. The far right light represents the Mined Games Easter egg. Orange light indicate Maxis whereas blue lights Indicate Richtofen. For example. If all lights show blue, then all players have completed each Easter egg for Richtofen. If all show orange then all players have completed the Easter eggs for Maxis. If two rows show a color then only two players have completed all Easter eggs for a character.
Richtofen`s ending:If all four players have completed all three on Richtofen's side, have a player shoot the 'Easter Egg Tracker' and press the revealed button. The screen will shake and the players will hear a short confrontation between Richtofen and Maxis. After Richtofen declares his victory and Maxis ceases to exist, he will partially take over Samuel's body and remain inside Samuel's head. As a bonus, all players will have a permanent Fire Sale as well as a special variant of Mule Kick that allows the player to carry four weapons instead of three.
Maxis` ending:If all four players have completed all three on Maxis' side, have a player shoot the 'Easter Egg Tracker' and press the revealed button. The screen will shake and the entire map will fade orange, then there will be a short confrontation between Maxis and Richtofen. After Maxis overthrows Richtofen and takes control of the Aether, he will send Richtofen's soul into a random zombie and all the zombies' eyes will change to orange. The 'Richtofen Zombie' can be identified by its blue eyes. There is no physical reward but each time a 'Richtofen Zombie' is killed, it will drop a power-up.
Other easter eggs:* Buried has a main Easter egg following the trend of previous maps with the Trophy/Achievement being "Mined Games". When completed, it will award the players every perk in the game until the game ends.
- When completing Richtofen's side of Mined Games, he will join Samuel J. Stuhlinger in his body.
- When completing Maxis' side of Mined Games, a small talk scene will take place and Maxis overthrows Richtofen, putting him in a zombie's body, resulting in orange eyes, as Maxis is in control of the zombies now.
* The song "Always Running" by Malukah can be heard if the player activates three Teddy Bears scattered around the map.
- The first one is found in the entrance to the mines, sitting next to hay near Quick Revive.
- The second one is found in the Candy store, inside one of the candy barrels.
- The third one can be found in the mansion, in the room on the right housing the Double Tap Root Beer, near one of the corners.
* When getting a bullseye on the dart board in the saloon with a Ballistic Knife, the piano behind the player will then start to play by itself. If the player goes through the back of the mansion to leave the maze, a Ghost can be seen playing the piano. Tipping the Ghost 10 points will give the player a perk. The piano can be played manually in the saloon by tapping the "Use" key.
* An Easter Egg Tracker machine in the courthouse shows which players have completed the Easter eggs on Tranzit, Die Rise and Buried. It also shows if players have completed Richtofen's or Maxis' path on the Easter eggs.
* If you place all the Nav Cards in the right places and complete the Die Rise, Buried, and Tranzit Easter Eggs then you can push the "use object" button near the tracker machine. This will play an Easter Egg song called "Samantha's Lullaby".
Other:* The Bank and Weapon Locker from TranZit and Die Rise are featured in Buried, allowing a circulation of points and weapons between all three maps. Although, if a weapon is not in another map, such as the PDW-57 in Tranzit, getting it out of the locker will result in obtaining a similar weapon that is on the map.
* A Random Perk Bottle will be dropped when the Ghosts are killed after the player has made it through the Mansion and defeated all of them.
* "Custom" placement of certain weapons onto predefined spaces by using chalk found on the wall. Each chalk placed will give the player 1000 points (the final chalk rewards 2000 points). These will be doubled if the Double Points Power-Up is active.
* The Booze and Candy items allow The Giant to aid the player in a variety of ways (see the guides above).
* Although it is not present on the map, the player can obtain PhD Flopper through Persistent Upgrades (see the guides above).
!!!IMPORTANT!!! (caps r kewl and so r 3 exclamation marks to :)
Info taken from COD wikia.
Black Ops 2 Buried Easter Egg Richtofen Switches