Is Deer Meat Safe to Eat While Pregnant
You can still make a positive environmental contribution without becoming vegetarian or vegan. If you choose to eat meat in a more sustainable way, you can also do your bit for the planet.
To help you achieve this, the Eating Better campaign – consisting of more than 50 civil society groups such as Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace – has revealed eight rules to help you buy and consume meat more sustainably.
"Industrial livestock production is having a devastating impact on our health, animal welfare and the health of the planet," Eating Better's executive director, Sue Dibb, said.
"As people are becoming more conscious about what they eat, a less and better approach to meat and dairy provides a positive way forward."
From finding meat alternatives to supporting small-scale ethical producers, this guide will help boost your eco-credentials…
1. Choose more plant-based foods
Opting for a change in diet to incorporate more plant-based foods, such as beans and pulses, and reducing meat intake, is much better for the climate.
Eating Better also recommends choosing meat from 'pasture-fed' animals, which can help keep carbon in the soil.
2. Choose ethical producers
Making better choices when it comes to food means choosing meat and dairy from producers who enable natural behaviour, promote good health and animal welfare, and provide a natural diet. Try and stay away from intensively farmed produce, which is bred for maximum output and profit.

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3. Choose livestock given local food sources
To make sure the meat you are eating is better for the planet, choose livestock products that come from animals fed a diet sourced from local and home-grown food sources.
One example of this is using European native legumes, which can help reduce our dependence on imported and unsustainable soy, used as a source of protein. Look out for products labelled as "certified organic" by the Soil Association.
4. Help feed the world more fairly as a whole
If we avoid overconsumption of meat and diary in the UK, this would allow resources to be shared out more efficiently to the world's growing population.
To prevent waste, the report states that animals should be fed on crop by-products and food waste where possible rather than plant proteins.
5. Don't go for processed meat
The best way to go is to choose a more plant-based diet, and cut down on processed meats, including bacon, and red meat.

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6. Choose products that require minimal antibiotic use
Overuse of antibiotics in farms has led to stronger antibiotic resistance. To help the planet, choose products that require minimal antibiotic use in their production. A good way to avoid antibiotic-pumped animals is to stop buying products produced through intense farming.
Animals living with higher standards of welfare are known to be healthier and require less medicine.
7. Choose to cut down on food waste
Another tip on how to eat more sustainably is to treat meat as a precious resource. This means using all of the carcass, eating all edible elements of the animal, and only buying the meat you need.
Food waste is a serious global problem, with 290,000 tonnes of meat and fish products discarded in the UK each year, according to WRAP.
8. Choose smaller scale producers
Ensure your purchases are better for the livelihoods of smaller scale, higher standard producers, such as farm shops, farmers markets and independent butchers.
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Is Deer Meat Safe to Eat While Pregnant